Convent 2025

What to expect?
During this prominent event you are able to get an exclusive insights within the world of strategy consultancy.

On Wednesday morning the group consisting of 25 talented students from Eindhoven will travel to Amsterdam to get acquainted with the world of Consultancy.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, every part of the day you will visit a consultancy office where you will experience the work, culture, and atmosphere of the offices through a company presentation, cases or workshops, and other relaxing elements.

The five selected companies would like to get to know you and will tell you everything about consultancy from different angles and settings. After each company visit, the companies will provide a luxury lunch or dinner so that you can get to know the consultants in an informal setting.

Hopefully, after three days you will be able to judge whether consultancy is something for you or perhaps even which consultancy agency would suit you best.

Convent will take you and 25 other selected talents from Eindhoven for three days into the world of (strategic) top consultancy and to the continuation of your career!

Transport, food, drinks, and the hotel will of course be provided in style and are fully included.

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