
Convent is the leading event connecting TU/e students with Strategy Consultancy
Convent was first organized in 2004 at the initiative of students. After a brief contact with consultancy, a few students, in consultation with a few companies, decided to organize two days whereby consultancy within Eindhoven finally gets the attention it deserves. This event has grown to an well-known event within Eindhoven, which is currently organised for the tenth time!
organising associations
Convent is organised by three of the largest and most active associations present within the city of EIndhoven.

The Eindhovens Studenten Corps (E.S.C) was founded on September 3, 1957, at the same time as the Eindhoven University of Technology.

The society where the association life takes place is called Ilium. The Eindhoven Student Corps is the oldest and most active student association in Eindhoven.

Wapen_Eindhovens_Studenten_Corps (1)

Simon Stevin is the study association of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The association supports the students of the faculty in the areas of education, development and recreation. Since 1957, Simon Stevin has been the oldest, most active study association of Eindhoven and owes its name to the first ‘Mechanical Engineer’ and inventor of the land yacht.

In 1963 Industria was founded by some students of the Department of Industrial Engineering in Eindhoven. Nowadays, the association has grown to one of the largest study associations of Eindhoven with about 1200 members.

The aim of the association is to promote the interests of the students of Industrial Engineering at the TU Eindhoven in the broadest sense of the word.

The Convent committee is formed by members from the organizing associations

F.l.t.r. Lotte Manintveld, Jasper Huisjes, Jasmijn Sevarts


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